Compass ehub
Social Prescribing - The Complete Solution
For the part can never be well unless the whole is well - Plato
The Compass solution
Working together works for everyone
Why should you consider using the Compass on-line platform? This is a question often asked, the answer is very simple. The Third sector represents a rich and valuable asset for promoting the wellbeing of people. One of its great strengths is that wherever a clear need for help or support emerges, an individual or a group of likeminded people will get together and fill that needs gap. Of course this cannot always happen but it happens often enough that we have a significant number of charities, trusts and other not for profit organisations providing services and support up and down the country.
What this means is that there is a wealth of talent and experience on the ground now delivering much needed services and support. The downside of this kind of organic development however is that we have a large number of organisations, all of different sizes, all at differing points in their organisational development, doing different things. This is further compounded by the difficulties in accessing sustainable funding for many organisations.
Whether you work holistically or are focussed on specific health conditions or life circumstances, we all work with people. People who often have complex needs and require support on a range of different issues and need help in accessing that support.
Compassehub features
Complete Social Prescribing