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Compass ehub to go national!

Today is a big day as it is the day that Compass migrates from a largely local system to become a nationally available platform. Interest...

Its a testing time!

The new national site is currently in the beta testing phase. We are working hard to test all elements of the system before we go live...

New site nearing completion

Work has continued on the national version of Compass ehub. The site is virtually complete and the next phase will be to beta test it to...

Compass ehub is about to go National!

The Compass ehub has now been operational across Cumbria for a while and is proving its worth amongst Third Sector, CIC and not for...

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Over the last few weeks we have been talking about Captain Tom Moore. He initially came on to our television screens walking 100 lengths...

It's ok 2 ask

Across the Lakes, organisations including Age UK South Lakeland are teaming up to support those who may feel that they need a little help...

Age UK South Lakeland and Compass Covid19 support

As the full impact of the current COVID19 outbreak began to emerge, Age UK South Lakeland chose to change the shape of our service...

Age UK South Lakeland COVID-19 support

Age UK South Lakeland are utilising the Compass ehub system to deliver secure services in partnership with other charities to those...

Social Prescribing: Re-defined

There have been numerous papers published recently regarding Social Prescribing, the one common theme from all the plethora of...

Compass in West Cumbria

We are excited to be announcing the roll out of Compass across Copeland and Allerdale at the end of March 2020. Charities, CICs and...

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