From the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak the Compass ehub platform has been utilised across South Lakeland to deliver support to vulnerable people who need help. All of the support needed is being co-ordinated through the ehub with all access being managed through the case management module (CRIS), whilst the mulit-agency referral system (MARS) has been used to securely transfer referrals between partner organisations. MARS has also been able to support a contact free payment process for those needing shopping, meaning that vulnerable people have not had to hand over cash or provide payment card details to anyone they are unfamiliar with on their doorstep. The helpline at Age UK South Lakeland continues to be busy, taking an average of 80 calls every day. below is a summary of the level of activity since lock down was announced on 23rd March 2020.
Compass being utilised to the full to support vulnerable people during the COVID19 outbreak
Updated: May 14, 2020