The Compass ehub has now been operational across Cumbria for a while and is proving its worth amongst Third Sector, CIC and not for profit organisations. It provides state of the art tools to facilitate joined up, professional partnership working to ensure the delivery of complete social prescribing. With the secure part of the platform also giving organisations access to a case management system and the ability to make direct, secure on-line referrals, Compass is giving these organisations a complete package to ensure the Third Sector can work in a co-ordinated way whilst also being able to work with health and social care. To maximise the benefits of partnership working, Compass is free to use by any of the Third Sector, CIC or not-for profit community.
Such has been the success of Compass in Cumbria and neighbouring North Yorkshire, work is currently being completed to allow Compass to be used by others anywhere in the country. This development comes amid increasing interest in Compass from organisations around the UK. This work continues and it is hoped the National solution will be available from the middle of 2020. Should anyone require further information, please contact us using the Contact Us facility below.
Alternatively, you can give us a call on 030 300 30003.