Over the last few weeks we have been talking about Captain Tom Moore. He initially came on to our television screens walking 100 lengths of his garden. We can all follow his example, making sure that we keep active during these unprecedented times. This is more important for older people the longer the lock down restrictions are in place.
COVID19 has brought a lot of changes to our lives including having to spend more time indoors. It's important to keep active while staying home if you're well enough and able to do so. Not only will having a regular exercise slot add routine to your days, but it is proven to boost mental wellbeing.
Whilst a lot of us may be able to get outside to exercise, for some this is not always possible. However, there is plenty that you can do within your own home to remain physically and mentally fit. There are many gentle exercises that you can do from your own living room. Just a few minutes a day will make sure that you maintain your physical health.
There is also plenty that we can do to look after our mental well-being, such as reading, writing, completing jigsaws or having a go at painting or drawing.
Whatever it is, find something that works for you.